
Blood cells Dendritic cells Keratinocytes



Keratinocytes, epithelial and endothelial cells are the first barrier at the border of the body. Which of these cells produce which messengers and enzymes to convert these messengers into signalling molecules? Via all kind of messengers this type of cells will warn the rest of the body.

The cells are adherent in vitro and that way not always easy to handle. Sigma introduced a non-enzymatic (important because of loss of surface markers) cell disruption solution. The solution, probably EDTA based, easily detaches the cells from the surface from the culture wells and keeps the morphology and phenotype intact. It is important that Ca2+ containing medium is added after the collection of the cells to balance the Ca2+ again in the medium.
When the surface markers do not play an important role using trypsin may be a quicker way to harvest the cells. This way some of the surface markers might be lost though. An some types of cells become really instable using trypsin.



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Page was last updated: 05-03-2005